Name | Goal Condition | Area | Time | Fee | Reward | Notes/Video Guides |
Mountain Herb Picking | Deliver 5 Mountain Herbs. | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 0z | 300z | |
An Anteka in the Snow | Deliver 3 Anteka Antlers. | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 0z | 300z | |
Hunt the Carnivore! | Slay 5 Giaprey. | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 0z | 300z |
Required for next Urgent
Sinking Feeling | Deliver 3 Popo Tongues. | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 20mins | 0z | 300z |
Required for next Urgent.Tigrex is in Area 6.
Slay the Blangos! | Slay 3 Blangos. | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 50mins | 0z | 300z |
Required for next Urgent
The Carnivorous Leader
| Hunt the Giadrome. | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z |
Unlocks LV★★ quests
LV★★ Quests
Name | Goal Condition | Area | Time | Fee | Reward | Notes/Video Guide |
Gathering - Snowy Mountains | Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 0z | 12z | MHFU - Gathering - Snowy Mountains |
Gathering - Jungle Zone | Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket | Jungle (Day) | 50mins | 0z | 12z | MHFU - Gathering - Jungle Zone |
Gathering - Desert Zone | Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 0z | 12z | MHFU - Gathering - Desert Zone |
The Carnivorous Leader | Hunt the Giadrome | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z |
Urgent quest for unlocking LV★★
Reckless Bulldrome Hunter | Hunt the Bulldrome | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z |
Required for next Urgent
Slay the Giaprey! | Slay 20 Giaprey | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | MHFU - Slay the Giaprey |
The Pack of Blangos | Slay 5 Blango | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | MHFU - The Pack of Blangos |
The Taboo of Negligence! | Deliver 15 Mountain Herbs | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 20mins | 150z | 900z |
Tigrex is also inside the quest.
Hunt Down the Velocidrome! | Hunt the Velocidrome | Jungle (Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | MHFU - Hunt Down the Velocidrome! |
Jungle Menace | Hunt the Yian Kut-Ku | Jungle (Night) | 50mins | 250z | 1500z |
Required for next Urgent
Rarest of the Rare Beasts | Hunt the Congalala | Jungle (Night) | 50mins | 250z | 1500z |
Required for next Urgent
Hunt the Rare Forest Congas! | Slay 10 Congas | Jungle (Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | MHFU - Hunt the Rare Forest Congas! |
Attack of the Giant Bugs! | Slay 20 Vespoids | Jungle (Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | MHFU - Attack of the Giant Bugs! |
Collect to Combine | Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms | Jungle (Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | MHFU - Collect to Combine |
Hunt the Gendrome! | Hunt the Gendrome | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | MHFU - Hunt the Gendrome! |
The Land Shark | Hunt the Cephadrome | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z | MHFU - The Land Shark |
Liver of Legend! | Deliver 3 Piscine Livers | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z |
Required for next Urgent
And the next quest:
Gone Fishin' | Deliver 2 Goldenfish | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | |
Shadow in the Snow
| Hunt the Khezu | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 350z | 2100z |
Unlocks LV★★★ quests
LV★★★ Quests
Name | Goal Condition | Area | Time | Fee | Reward | Notes/Video Guide |
Gathering - Swamp Zone | Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket | Swamp(Day) | 50mins | 0z | 12z | MHFU - Gathering - Swamp Zone |
Gathering - Forest and Hills | Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket | Forest & Hills(Day) | 50mins | 0z | 12z | MHFU - Gathering - Forest and Hills |
Shadow in the Snow | Hunt the Khezu | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 350z | 2100z |
Urgent quest for unlocking LV★★★
The Subterranean Glutton | Deliver 3 Khezu Whelps | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z | MHFU - The Subterranean Glutton |
Blango Slaying Tactics | Slay 10 Blangos | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 50mins | 150z | 900z |
Required for next Urgent
Aim for the Jungle Crab | Hunt the Daimyo Hermitaur | Jungle (Night) | 50mins | 300z | 1800z |
Clear "The Lurking Desert Giant" to unlock
Master of the Giant Lake | Hunt the Green Plesioth | Jungle (Night) | 50mins | 400z | 2400z |
Clear "Water Wyvern in the Desert" to unlock
A Swarm of Hermitaurs | Slay 10 Hermitaurs | Jungle (Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z | MHFU - A Swarm of Hermitaurs |
The Purple Poison Menace | Hunt the Purple Gypceros | Jungle (Night) | 50mins | 350z | 2100z |
Clear "Gypceros: Venomous Terror" to unlock
The Lurking Desert Giant | Hunt the Daimyo Hermitaur | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 300z | 1800z |
Required for next Urgent
Water Wyvern in the Desert | Hunt the Plesioth | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 350z | 2100z | MHFU - Water Wyvern in the Desert |
Slay the Genprey! | Slay 20 Genprey | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900zz | MHFU - Slay the Genprey! |
Gypceros: Venomous Terror | Hunt the Gypceros | Swamp (Night) | 50mins | 300z | 1800z |
Required for next Urgent
Attack of the Blue Kut-Ku | Hunt the Blue Yian Kut-Ku | Swamp (Night) | 50mins | 300z | 1800z | MHFU - Attack of the Blue Kut Ku |
The Mischief-maker | Hunt the Congalala | Swamp (Day) | 50mins | 250z | 1500z | MHFU - The Mischief maker |
Fang of the Iodrome! | Hunt the Iodrome | Swamp (Day) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z | MHFU - Fang of the Iodrome! |
Slay the Great Kut-Ku! | Hunt the Yian Kut-Ku | Forest & Hills(Day) | 50mins | 250z | 1500z | MHFU - Slay the Great Kut Ku! |
A Killing from Mushrooms | Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms | Forest & Hills(Day) | 50mins | 150z | 900z |
Required for next Urgent
The Ruler of the Snow
| Hunt the Blangonga | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 500z | 3000z |
Unlocks LV★★★★ quests
LV★★★★ Quests
Name | Goal Condition | Area | Time | Fee | Reward | Notes/Video Guides |
Gathering - Volcanic Zone | Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket | Volcano (Day) | 50mins | 0z | 12z | MHFU - Gathering - Volcanic Zone |
The Ruler of the Snow | Hunt the Blangonga | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 500z | 3000z |
Urgent quest for unlocking LV★★★★
Red Shadow in the Swampland | Hunt the Red Khezu | Swamp (Night) | 50mins | 450z | 2700z | MHFU - Red Shadow in the Swampland |
The Lone Black Garuga | Hunt the Yian Garuga | Jungle (Night) | 50mins | 600z | 3600z |
Slay 10 Yian Kut-Kusto unlock this quest
Twin Velocidrome | Hunt 2 Velocidrome | Jungle (Day) | 50mins | 250z | 1500z | MHFU - Twin Velocidrome |
Attack of the Giant Bugs! | Slay 20 Hornetaur | Jungle (Night) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z | Attack of the Giant Bugs! (MHFUWP QUEST 44) |
Battle of the Blos | Hunt the Monoblos | Desert (Night) | 50mins | 500z | 3000z |
Required for next Urgent
The Silver Horn | Hunt the White Monoblos | Desert (Night) | 50mins | 600z | 3600z |
Beat "Battle of the Blos" Quest
Supreme Ruler of the Swamp | Hunt the Shogun Ceanataur | Swamp (Day) | 50mins | 500z | 3000z |
Beat "Commander in the Flames" Quest
Trapped by Yian Kut-Ku | Hunt the Yian Kut-Ku andBlue Yian Kut-Ku | Swamp (Night) | 50mins | 500z | 3000z | MHFU - Trapped by Yian Kut-Ku |
The Ioprey leader | Hunt the Iodrome. | Volcano (Day) | 50mins | 300z | 1800z | MHFU - The Ioprey Leader |
Basarios: Unseen Peril | Hunt the Basarios. | Volcano (Day) | 50mins | 400z | 2400z |
Required for next Urgent
Commander in the Flames | Hunt the Shogun Ceanataur | Volcano (Night) | 50mins | 500z | 3000z |
Required for next Urgent
Ioprey Hunting | Slay 20 loprey | Volcano (Night) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z | MHFU - Ioprey Hunting |
A Band of Ceanataurs | Slay 10 Ceanataur | Volcano (Day) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z | MHFU - A Band of Ceanataurs |
More Coal Please | Deliver 15 Pieces of Coal | Volcano (Day) | 50mins | 200z | 1200z |
Required for next Urgent
The Frozen Dictator | Slay the Kushala Daora | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 50mins | 750z | 4500z | |
The Elder Dragon of Wind | Slay the Kushala Daora | Jungle (Night) | 50mins | 750z | 4500z |
Beat "The Frozen Dictator" to unlock
Hermitaur Buffet | Slay 20 Hermitaurs | Arena | 50mins | 250z | 1500z |
MHFU addition
Absolute Power
| Hunt the Tigrex | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 50mins | 750z | 4500z |
Unlocks LV★★★★★ quests
LV★★★★★ Quests
Name | Goal Condition | Area | Time | Fee | Reward | Notes/Video Guides |
Absolute Power | Hunt the Tigrex | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 50mins | 750z | 4500z |
Urgent quest for unlocking LV★★★★★
The Legendary Kirin | Hunt the Kirin | Snowy Mountains(Night) | 50mins | 750z | 4500z |
Quest appears randomly
Two Roars in the Snow | Hunt 2 Blangongas | Snowy Mountains(Day) | 50mins | 850z | 5100z | |
The Poison Seige | Hunt the Gypcerosand Purple Gypceros | Jungle(Night) | 50mins | 600z | 3600z | Required for next Urgent |
The Tigrex's Roar | Hunt the Tigrex | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 750z | 4500z | |
The Runaway Diablos | Hunt the Diablos | Desert (Day) | 50mins | 700z | 4200z | Required for next Urgent |
The Fierce Black Horn | Hunt the Black Diablos | Desert(Night) | 50mins | 800z | 4800z | Complete "The Runaway Diablos" to unlock |
Ultimate Crab Dinner | Hunt 2 Daimyo Hermitaurs | Desert(Night) | 50mins | 600z | 3600z | Required for next Urgent |
Black Rock in the Swamp | Hunt the Black Gravios | Swamp(Night) | 50mins | 800z | 4800z | Complete "Terror of the Gravios" to unlock |
Seeking the Strange Mask | Slay 5 Shakalakas | Forest & Hills | 50mins | 500z | 3000z | |
Terror of the Gravios | Hunt the Gravios | Volcano(Day) | 50mins | 700z | 4200z | Required for next Urgent |
Check the Ancient Tower | Slay 10 Remobras | Tower | 50mins | 500z | 3000z | |
The Empress' Blazing Throne | Slay the Lunastra | Volcano(Day) | 50mins | 900z | 5400z | Quest appears randomly |
Overseer of the Ancients | Slay the Lunastra | Tower | 50mins | 900z | 5400z | Complete "The Empres's Blazing Throne" to unlock. Quest appears randomly |
The Elder Dragon of Mist | Slay the Chameleos | Forest & Hills | 50mins | 850z | 5100z | Quest appears randomly |
Towards the Silence | Slay the Chameleos | Swamp (Day) | 50mins | 850z | 5100z | Complete "The Elder Dragon of Mist" to unlock. Quest appears randomly |
Small Shadow over the Swamp | Hunt the Khezu | Swamp(Night) | 50mins | 600z | 3600z | The Khezu is a mini Khezu |
Congalala Territorial Fight | Hunt 2 Congalalas | Swamp (Day) | 50mins | 700z | 4200z | |
Troublesome Pair
| Hunt the Rathalosand Rathian | Forest & Hills (Day) | 50mins | 1400z | 8400z | Unlocks LV★★★★★★ quests |
LV★★★★★★ Quests
Name | Goal Condition | Area | Time | Fee | Reward | Notes |
A Troublesome Pair | Hunt the Rathalos andRathian | Forest & Hills (Day) | 50mins | 1400z | 8400z | Urgent quest for unlocking LV★★★★★★ |
Dual Plesioth | Hunt the Plesioth andGreen Plesioth | Jungle(Day) | 50mins | 750z | 4500z | |
Pink Dance in the Jungle | Hunt the Pink Rathian | Jungle(Night) | 50mins | 750z | 4500z | MHFU - Required for next Urgent |
Four Horns | Hunt the Diablos andBlack Diablos | Desert(Night) | 50mins | 1650z | 9900z | MHFU - Required for next Urgent |
Emperor of Flame | Slay the Teostra | Volcano(Night) | 50mins | 1500z | 6000z | |
A Sun with Fangs | Slay the Teostra | Desert(Day) | 50mins | 1500z | 6000z | Clear "Emperor of Flame" to unlock |
The Shogun's Encampment | Hunt 2 Shogun Ceanataurs | Volcano(Day) | 50mins | 1500z | 6000z | |
Attack of the Rathalos | Hunt the Azure Rathalos | Forest & Hills (Day) | 50mins | 800z | 4800z | MHFU - Required for next Urgent |
A State of Crisis! | Kill or Repel Shen Gaoren | Town | 30mins | 1500z | 9000z | MHF2 - Kill 2 of every boss monster available in the village to unlock |
The Final Invitation | Hunt 2 Rajang | Great Arena | 50mins | 3500z | 21000z |
Clear all Village Elder Quests.
A Giant Dragon Invades! | Kill or Repel Lao-Shan Lung | Fortress | 35mins | 1500z | 9000z | Clear "A State of Crisis!" to unlock |
A State of Crisis!
| Kill or Repel Shen Gaoren | Town | 30mins | 1500z | 9000z | MHFU - Unlocks the second Urgent "Secret Request: Hypnocatrice" |
Secret Request: Hypnocatrice
| Hunt the Hypnocatrice | Great Forest(Day) | 50mins | 1200z | 7200z | MHFU - Unlocks LV 7★ (Felyne Elder) Quests |
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